17 May 2010

i need to learn to jUggle

ar ti cle

i dont know how to handle too many things at the same time

i dont want to deal with my social/emotional life

i choose concentration on my work.

11 May 2010

butterpillar - catterfly

" Dos diversos instrumentos do homem, o mais assombroso é, indubitavelmente, o livro. Os outros são extensões do corpo. O microscópio e o telescópio são extensões da vista; o telefone é o prolongamento da voz; seguem-se o arado e a espada, extensões do seu braço. Mas o livro é outra coisa: o livro é uma extensão da memória e da imaginação. "

Borges, Oral - Jorge Luís Borges

drawing class is getting interesting
finally, we're using light


i feel im changing. thats a good thing. im so glad. i want to grow and change always. i never want to be at the same spot for too long.

09 May 2010


we took a trip

to my dads city

before that i had to work with dry pastels

which gave me serious allergies even though i improvised a really cool but inneficient mask

ate cake and other stuff at my aunts birthday party

my cousin finally brought my sisters old drawers

simba napping

04 May 2010

animal my SOUL

i tell myself to ignore anything that may keep me out of focus,
but am i really ever focused?
i am beggining to doubt that.
maybe what i meant to myself was
my focus in a bright future.

i tend to let anything get in the way,

it makes me think its because i dont really want anything so bad
that makes me work so hard for it.
that makes me insecure and scared.

im turning 20 in a month and i dont know what im doing.

i know a lot of people live their life without knowing,
but somehow that freaks me out.
waking up everyday to horrible news about death, rapes, car accidents and every other freak accident is beggining to scare the shit out of me.
when its sunny outside everything seems better, but all this rain gives the city a really bad smell and a creppy vibe.
i rush though everything when im not home.
i come in late and leave class early everyday because i dont want to be outside.
not that im paranoid, but its giving me such a negative feeling, an urge to leave, i know i cant now, so that only makes me feel worse.
theres no use in discussing something like this.
its one of those things everyone dismisses as stupid or unecessary.
the best you can do is shut up and live with it.

i guess i understand now why brazilians are so happy looking all the time.
they do it to cover up the fact that theyve lost hope in change.
theyve learned to live with all this stress and the best they can do is ignore it all and live their lives the best they can.
maybe this was realized by an earlier generation, and it all got lost through time and now no one really knows whats behind all the partying and living life at ease.
i rather not get involved,
i wanna be the oil in this body of water.
im mixed right now but eventually
ill come out on top.


02 May 2010

you know when youre tired even though youve slept all day?

thats how i feel.

ryanmcginley photography

sorte : surto

"Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final"

Rainer Maria Rilke