19 May 2009

Books and Such

I'm picking up this habit of downloading every book i want to read. I told myself i would read more this year, so i started a list of books that interest me. This was last week, there are already 10 titles on my list and so far i've read the first chapter of the first book. I'm so curious about them all, but i realized the hardest part about reading is not finding an interesting book, or buying/downloading it, its the actual act of reading. I downloaded this book called The Unbearable Lightness of Being, it starts out great. Im on page 10, around there, and its getting a bit scary. I have never come in contact with characters such as these. And theyre thrown at me so violently, everytime i start reading i feel a bit of anxiety, and i think, what an amazing writer................really, or is it just me? I'm not sure.

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